1 Trick The trickiest part to the mutual fund industry is the stark contrast between what fund management says and what it does. They say to the investing public to “buy and hold” (preferably their fund), yet what they do is
Life Cycle Funds, Fab or Fad?
Like the sirens of Odysseus fame, the lure of one-decision life-time funds sounds sweet and runs deep amongst investors and marketers alike. The siren song appeals to something that is hard to resist, but will end badly. These one-decision funds
The Rule of 72
The Rule of 72 will help explain the compounding interest miracle even more. It tells us why “sooner is better than later”, but also why it is “never too late” to start saving and start investing with the C-lect rotation program. Let’s say you want to retire at
5 Common 401k Mistakes
As individuals invest their retirement money, it is easy to make mistakes and end up with less than what might be possible. In this profession, we see it all. Is it possible that you could be making one or more
Sooner Than Later, but Never Never
From an early age, many of us learn to save. If you were like me, you had a piggy bank or a coin sorter and roller. I had both. It is amazing how much loose change can add up to