Thank you for considering our 401k services to help grow your retirement dollars faster and safer through a combination of employing the best funds in class in terms of performance and costs and of allocating amongst them with a proven proactive plan.

I’ve been in the financial business more than 30 years.  I write the top-rated No-Load Mutual Fund Selections & Timing Newsletter.  McGraw-Hill published my book “Grow Your Investments with the Best Mutual Funds and ETFs”.

Our plan is simple and easy to use; it requires only 15 minutes a month of your time.  It does not require any changes to your plan.  We just want your money to work harder and smarter.  How about you? is your go-to place to see more 401k information, get yourself or company signed up, and begin having your same investment dollars work harder and smarter for you.

Click here to get started!

Please let us know if you have any questions.  I hope to welcome you soon as a member.

C-lect Chart


We are here to help you reach your retirement goals!

For just minutes a month, you can see a huge difference in your 401k returns by simply changing your investment strategy to our C-lect method of picking the best funds! We pick the top funds in your plan on a monthly basis, and all you have to do is act on it!

Click Here to Start Your Free Trial!