When it comes to your 401k retirement plan, what are the most important things to consider when investing for your future? Can we put them in order of importance?
I’ve shown in previous posts how important it is to creating and retaining wealth to “stay with the leaders and avoid the laggards” as measured by C. My point was that staying with the leaders and avoiding the laggards is critical to your retirement success
We use the C metric to pick our funds. C is the risk-adjusted relative strength number. The higher the better. This is shown each month for your specific plan’s funds.
But obviously what comes before your investment strategy, what must actually happen first is actually saving something each pay check. This almost goes without saying.
So, saving itself is important. Staying with the leading funds, while avoiding the lagging funds is important.
But between those two things is one more important thing to your retirement savings success and that is “meeting the match”.
Most companies encourage employee savings by matching a portion of what is saved. You will have to check with your HR department to actually find out what yours is, but it could be something like matching 50% of the first 6% saved.
In summary:
- Save from each paycheck
- Meet the match
- Stay with the leaders